Year 2

Welcome to Spring 2!

Burgundy class is taught by Ms Hutchinson.

Ruby class is taught by Ms Everrett .

The fantastic teaching assistants who work across both classes are Ms Sanderson and Ms Graham.

Brilliant Bugs and Harmonious Habitats


In English, we will:

  • Continue to ensure our non-negotiable, Year 1 skills regarding accuracy and punctuation are in place at all times.
  • Continue to use all the Year 2 skills we have learnt so far.
  • Focus on our spellings.
  • Show off our narrative skills in an independent write.
  • Explore non-fiction texts before writing our own.
  • Learn how to use apostrophes for possession for the first time!

In Maths, we will:

  • continue to recap how to compose numbers from 1 – 100, focusing on difference and place value.
  • learn about multiplicative structures for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Please see the curriculum descriptor linked below for further details.

Book-bags should be brought into school every day: we encourage children to be as independent as possible and to remember their book-bag for themselves.

The children can go home with three new books every week: a Library book, a class book corner book and a guided reading book. However, children can choose to keep their class book corner book in their trays. Children can change their bookband books at any time of the week.

We hear children read in Guided Reading sessions, and individually at other times. This is likely to be once per week per child.

Children are encouraged to change their books regularly.

Our PE days are on Monday (indoor) an Tuesday (outdoor)

    On PE days please bring your Morley PE kit to change into at school (see here for more details). A PE kit consists of T-shirt, shorts, long-sleeved top and jogging bottoms, spare socks, trainers or plimsolls.  Long hair must be tied back and no jewellery please.

PE lesson pic

Children will need to bring a filled and named water bottle to school each day. The class tap is drinking water and the children are able to fill their bottles as needed.

water bottle

Homework will be set on Friday via Google Classroom, to be submitted by the following Thursday. Login details can be found in your child’s reading record. Homework will be acknowledged by the class teacher on Google Classroom. 

Welcome to Yr 2 24-5

Spring 2 Curriculum Descriptors

Year 2 ARE – Writing

Year 2 ARE – Reading

Year 2 ARE – Maths 1

Year 2 ARE – Maths 2

Year 2 ARE – Science

Year 2 Spelling List

Useful tips for reading with your child

Handwriting – Letter Formation