In November, the Governing Body formally agreed the school development plan. The plan identifies priorities for the year and is developed after careful consideration of a range of evidence, including data about children’s progress and attainment, views of senior leaders and staff, feedback from the parental questionnaire and governor visits to the school. The plan is a stepping-stone towards achieving our vision of brilliant teaching and facilities, a creative curriculum that stretches and rewards all learners, engaging parents and the wider community in the life of the school and helping all children at Morley develop the social skills they need.
Priorities for the year
- Our pupils generally do very well compared to other schools, particularly our higher attaining children. However, there are groups of children who we feel might benefit from particular attention. This year we are aiming to reduce the gap between attainment for boy and girls, further improve outcomes for children who receive pupil premium funding and continue to ensure that pupils at risk of under-achievement are identified early and given effective interventions.
- Teaching at Morley is already solidly good. We will continue to develop teachers professional skills because we know that great teaching is the key to maximising your child’s learning. Teachers are being given time to share good practice and plan collaboratively. Coaching opportunities are available to those who wish to access them and teachers will continue to develop a truly creative curriculum. Subject leaders and middle managers will be given further opportunities to develop their leadership skills.
- Behaviour at Morley is generally good but inevitably children are not always angels! We want to make sure that incidents of inappropriate behaviour are dealt with quickly and in collaboration with parents. The school has introduced a new tracking system to monitor behaviour and where appropriate, parents and staff will meet to discuss how they can work together to best to support children’s behaviour.
- We aim to give children a stronger voice in shaping their school. Over the year, pupils will have increased opportunities to say what they think should happen at Morley.
- We are also focusing on improving the school’s premises and facilities.
Click here for more information about what Morley’s school governors do.