Welcome to Crimson Class!
Crimson Class is a Year 1 class of 30 pupils taught by Ms Smith Monday to Friday and Ms Simpson on Thursday. We have a fantastic teaching assistant called Ms Mitchell who helps to support the learning in Crimson Class throughout the week.
We have had a busy year so far: the Autumn term saw us learning about animals of different types, visiting Shepreth Wildlife Park for some hands-on experience, and writing our own animal-hunt story based on ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’. Our maths focus has been on understanding and ordering numbers to 2, using lots of different resources to add and subtract. We also made some gorgeous pictures based on the art of the French Impressionists. Our writing has included poetry and stories, and we have written letters to Postman Sam, a friendly local postman, who kindly visited us to pick them up! In the Spring term we learnt about toys from the past, using Traction Man as one of our core books, writing our own beach adventure for the mini-superhero! We made our own travel game- a roll-up version of Noughts and Crosses, designing, making a mock-up and a final version in fabric.
What is a palaeontologist?
Who was Mary Anning?
This half term our topic focus is History, Science and English as we find out about Mary Anning, the famous fossil finder. We will be learning about what a fossil actually is, and just how old some are making a huge time-line in the playground, and exploring some real fossils. This will lead onto work in Science about materials, finding out what different materials are like and describing them accurately. In Maths we are making equal groups of numbers, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and starting to explore multiplication and division through arrays.
General Information
In Crimson class we love reading and try to read as much as possible. We encourage parents to read regularly with children and to record this in their reading record book. Children are expected to change their own reading book regularly from the colour banded selection in class as often as necessary, so please remember to bring your book bag every day. Children will also bring home a school library book, which will be changed weekly. Our usual library day is Thursday, but this might change if necessary.
Our PE days are Tuesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor). Please keep PE kits in school so we can take advantage of opportunities on other days too. PE kit consists of: shorts, joggers, t-shirt & long-sleeved top, trainers or plimsolls and spare socks – remember to name all clothing and bag clearly!
Children should have a water bottle in school so that we stay healthy and hydrated! This should be named and brought home daily for cleaning.
If you have any questions about school, please contact the Office by phone, email or in person, or come and find us!
We also have 2 twin well-travelled friends in Crimson Class called Bella and Barnaby Bear. They have been to many different countries and places around the world, and are always looking for a new adventure. Bella and Barnaby both take turns to go home with different children for the weekend and while they stay with them, the children complete diaries to then share with the rest of the class. Bears go home on Monday, please bring them back into school to be shared with the class on Monday.
In Crimson class, we try hard to be good friends and help each other learn. On the first day of term, we created our class rules these are displayed and remind us how to behave in our classroom so that everyone can be happy, safe and learn!
On Thursday, Crimson class gets time to explore and enjoy the school library and its numerous books. In this session children can choose 1 book to borrow from the library and this book can be returned the following Thursday or can be kept for a fortnight. Library books can be distinguished from other books as they have a small barcode on the inside of the front cover.
We are really excited to be in Crimson class and are ready to learn and try our best!