Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Ernest Shackleton | Biography, Expeditions, Facts, & Voyage of Endurance |  Britannica

The Year 4 Classes are taught by Mr Pullen (Jade) & Mr Squires (Sapphire) and our TAs Ms. Wojciechowska, Ms. Hamidouch, Ms Coxall & Mr Geen. Our PPA cover teachers are Ms. Simpson & Ms. Edgeworth.

This year we are going to have many adventures to help us learn, from travelling through Africa to journeying through the human body!

This half-term our topic is Antarctic Adventure. In English, we will be reading about ‘Shackleton’s Journey’ which will consist of taking on a role as a member of Shackleton’s crew, writing a letter of application and a diary entry . In Maths, we will be exploring shape and in particular perimeter before moving on to times table knowledge. In geography we will be learning about lines of latitude and about the harsh environment of Antarctica. We will learn about audio production in computing. In Music we will be learning about classical music, and in PE we will focus on ball games and swimming.

As mathematicians we will be exploring shape and perimeter. We will be exploring what a polygon is and how to sort between regular and irregular polygons, we will learn about perimeter and how to measure the space around shapes. Then we will look more in depth at 3, 7 and 9 times tables.

As designers we are going to be looking at sewing this term, focusing on a range of different stitches to create a product for an explorer in Antarctica. We will be making informed design decisions when creating a hand warmer.

As scientists we will be looking at states of matter: solid, liquids and gases. We will be comparing and grouping materials and deciding which group certain materials fit into. We will be observing states of matter change when temperature is applied to them and then planning and carrying out practical and fair tests. We will be considering how we can make accurate recording and represent data in a variety of ways, thinking about bar charts and tables. Following this we will be learning about condensation, precipitation and the water cycle.

Homework tasks are provided on a Friday, where appropriate and should be completed by the following Friday.

We will also be doing swimming on a Monday (starting 23rd September) and outdoor PE on a Tuesday for both Jade and Sapphire.  Please send your child to school in their named PE kit and will get changed into their kit before PE.

Copy of Y4 Long Term Plan Overview 2024-25

Curriculum information for parents Summer 2

Forest School Curriculum information Summer 2

New to Year 4 meeting slides

Year 4 Reading Assessment Statements

Year 4 Writing Assessment Statements

Year 4 Maths Assessment Statements

Year 4 Science Assessment Statements

NC14 Y3&4 Spelling and Wordlist

Y4_Joining_letter_sets for handwriting