Category Archives: School news
Young Voices Concert – Change to collection time
We have been advised that the coach is now estimated to arrive at school approximately 15 mins later than planned at 11.15pm.
Letter for parents about COVID-19 symptoms
Letter for parents about COVID-19 symptoms
What to do if your child (or anyone in your household) has Coronavirus symptoms?
If your child has:
- A high temperature
- A new, continuous cough
- A loss of taste or change to sense of smell
Please follow the NHS guidance
- ISOLATE: Please do not send your child to school. All members of the household should self-isolate until a negative result is received or for 14 days.
- TEST: Arrange for a test. Tests need to be done on Days 1-4 of symptoms. These can be booked online or by calling NHS 119 or using a regional mobile testing station.
- RESULT: You should get your result within 72 hours. All householders should remain at home until you receive the results. Please advise the school of the outcome of the test. If all persons with symptoms test negative your child may return to school as soon as they are feeling well. For a positive result they must remain at home for at least 10 days and until there has been no fever/vomiting/diarrhea for 48 hours. Other householders must continue to self-isolate for 14 days and arrange for a test if they develop symptoms.
- REPORT: If your child has a positive result we will share this data with the Track and Trace team.