“It is the birthright of every child to have the best possible education”
Principal Horobin, Homerton College, Morley Opening Ceremony, 1900
Morley Memorial is a community primary school in the district of Cambridgeshire. The school is named after Samuel Morley who was a benefactor of the Homerton Teacher Training College and a member of the Congregational Board of Education. He was also MP for Nottingham and Bristol, and a well known abolitionist. The school was founded as a practice school for the College. It is one of the oldest non-denominational schools in Cambridge, having celebrated its centenary in 2000.
There are currently over 400 children enrolled ranging from 4-11yrs.
The school is situated near the centre of the city, on the south side. The population of the area is diverse: some families have lived for generations within the community, others are more recently settled and others are here only for a short time connected to periods of work or study. Many of this last group come from outside the UK and the school has a number of children for whom English is an additional language.