How to Add Curriculum and Parent Letters onto the Class Pages

Each of the class pages has now two areas in the side bar, one for curriculum information and one for parent letters. Template documents have been uploaded as a a guide.

To replace the templates with the actual information, please:

    • select the class page to which the information will be attached (using “Media Downloads”), both parent letters and curriculum will be displayed in both pages of one year group
    • log into wordpress as “editor” and open the class page for editing
Parent Letters  Curriculum
Silver Gold
Crimson Scarlet
Burgundy Ruby
Topaz Turquoise
Jade Sapphire
Amethyst Indigo
Violet Lilac
  • scroll down your page to find an area called “Media Downloads”, like in the example of Y6 Violet Class shown below

Screenshot from 2014-09-10 11:41:16


  • please delete the example media using “Remove” and add the materials for your year group using “Add new media”
  • Finish by hitting the “Update” button