Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Scarlet Class is a Year 1 class of 30 fabulous children with Miss Jones as their teacher. Crimson Class is a Year 1 class of 30 equally fabulous children with Ms Del Corso as their teacher. We also have Miss Simpson on our team, working in both classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays, as well as a great team of teaching assistants, Miss Bromell, Miss Hone and Miss Kweider.

In Year 1 we work hard to be kind to each other, respecting our differences and sharing a great learning journey together!

Our Spring 1 Topic is our ‘Wonderful World’


For our topic, “Wonderful World” the children will be examining the question: ‘What do we know about where we live?’ The topic will focus on Geography and Science where we will think about the world we live in, our weather, the seasons, and the wider United Kingdom. We will study the countries which comprise the UK and their respective capital cities, looking at culture, history, national symbols, and most importantly, food!

In Maths, will will learn about odd and even numbers. We will also be focusing on the composition of numbers 0-10 through partitioning in order to develop the children’s mathematical fluency. In addition, we will begin to take a look at additive structures. We will use the part whole model to combine two parts in order to make a whole. We will also explore the use of an = sign within an equation and how this represents that the whole and both parts are equal.

In English, we will continue to promote a love of reading in the children through daily reading opportunities. For instance, this includes weekly sessions to read with the children individually or in a group, and to select books of their interests and abilities. In relation to group reading sessions, we provide children with rich material to further develop their fluency, predicting, summarising, and questioning skills in response to the text. We will focus on our predicting skills, especially as we read our class texts: Iggy Peck and Katie Morag.

General Information

In Year 1 we love reading and try to read as much as possible. We encourage parents to read regularly with children and to record this in their reading record book. Children should bring home two texts: one phonically decodable text from the Floppy’s Phonics scheme (selected by their teacher) and at least one reading for pleasure text selected by child to read with parents to enjoy reading and discussing with a parent. They will also bring home another book from their weekly library visit. We change books regularly so please remember to bring your book bag every day.

Scarlet Class PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays, while Crimson Class PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays. The children will be changing into PE kits in school so please ensure that your child has a kit in school at all times.  PE kit consists of: navy blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms, white t-shirt, navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan, and trainers. Please name every item of clothing. No jewellery please!

Please provide your child with their own water bottle daily. This is especially important for PE days, so that we stay healthy and hydrated!  This should be named and brought home daily for cleaning. Also, as the weather heats up please ensure your child has sun screen applied before they come to school as well as a bottle to keep in their tray if needed.

If you have any questions about school, please contact the Office by phone, email or in person, or come and find us!

Useful Information

Y1 curriculum descriptor Spring1 25

Y1 Curriculum Descriptor Aut2 2024

Y1 Curriculum Descriptor Aut 24

Year 1 New to Year 24-25

Reading with your Child

Penpals Letter formation 1

Penpals Letter formation 2

Keywords to be able to read and spell

End of Year One Expectations Spoken Language and Reading

End of Year One Expectations Writing

End of Year One Expectations Maths