Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

The Year 4 Classes are taught by Mr Pullen (Sapphire) & Mr Squires (Jade) and our TAs Ms. Graham, Mr Nash. Our PPA cover teachers are Ms. Simpson & Ms. Moss.

This year we are going to have many adventures to help us learn, from travelling through Africa to journeying through the human body!

In our history topic on the Stone Age we will be using timelines to see and compare three different ages (stone, bronze and iron). We will also be learning about Stonehenge and Skara Brae. We will start our topic with a WOW day focusing on the Stone Age.  

We will also have a geography project to compare villages and cities, discovering why people choose to live in different locations, followed by a DT project to build an electrical vehicle.  

In English, we will be reading a new text (Stig of the Dump) where a boy called Barney meets a caveman in a chalk pit.  We will be using descriptive language to write about characters and settings, before writing our own chapter. Once we have completed this, we will move on to looking at newspaper reports: reading them and finding out how they are written, in preparation for writing our own reports based on the discoveries at Skara Brae.  Finally, we will reflect on our year in Year 4 and write letters to the current Year 3s, informing them of all the things they have to look forward to in Year 4 next year.  

As mathematicians, we will start by finishing off our topic on ‘fractions greater than 1’ by adding and subtracting mixed numbers.  We will also be discussing the most efficient methods to perform these operations.  Following this, we will be moving on to 2D shapes, where our focus will be on finding lines of symmetry and reflection.  We will then tackle time, learning to tell the time to the nearest minute, before finishing off the term with division, where we will be interpreting and calculating the answers to division problems with remainders.  .  


Homework tasks are provided on a Friday, where appropriate and should be completed by the following Wednesday.

This term, we have Forest School on alternate Mondays, so please ensure your child has clothing that is appropriate for working outside.

We will also be doing indoor and outdoor PE on a Tuesday and a Thursday.  Please send your child to school in their named PE kit, with other clothes in a bag, so that they can change after the lesson. 


Copy of Y4 Long Term Plan Overview 2023-24

Curriculum information for parents Summer 2

Forest School Curriculum information Summer 2

New to Year 4 meeting slides

Year 4 Reading Assessment Statements

Year 4 Writing Assessment Statements

Year 4 Maths Assessment Statements

Year 4 Science Assessment Statements

NC14 Y3&4 Spelling and Wordlist

Y4_Joining_letter_sets for handwriting