Year 6

Year 6

Spring 1: Why must we remember them?

Happy New Year! We are very excited to be back in school with you all and are looking forward to a fabulous half-term ahead.

The Year 6 Team

We have a fabulous team here in Year 6. Mrs Remington Davidson and Mrs Moss teach in Violet Class whilst Miss Wykes teaches in Lilac Class. We also have Mrs Dennis, Ms Faboud and Mr Geen, our wonderful TAs who work across both classes.

Spring 1: World War II

This half-term, we will be asking ourselves “Why must we remember them?” as part of our topic: World War II! This topic is a history-based topic but is also heavily linked to our English units. Throughout the topic, we will be learning about the cause, effects and impact of World War II, summarising the main events and comparing the life of children in WWII Britain with life in Britain today.


In English, we will be focusing on adopting a formal tone (through the use of passive voice and technical vocabulary) to produce accurate non-fiction reports. Later in the term, we will be producing atmospheric narratives set during the Blitz, using integrated dialogue to convey character and advance action before exploring rhyme, figurative language and syntax within our poetry unit on the Windrush Generation. 

We will continue to read widely across the curriculum throughout the half-term and encourage the children to be reading daily and regularly updating their personal reading records. In addition to this, our Guided Reading sessions will focus on maintaining attention and participating actively in collaborative conversations, staying on topic to initiate and respond to others’ comments.


To begin with,we will be exploring area, perimeter, position and direction in maths, where we will describe the relationship between scale factors and area and perimeter. We will then move on to explore fractions and percentages by representing fractions in a variety of contexts; learning to compare, add and subtract fractions; finding percentages of amounts and calculating percentages. We will also be continuing with our fluency sessions, including regular times table practice. 


This half-term, our PE sessions will be on Tuesdays (Indoor) and Thursdays (Outdoor). On a Tuesday, children will need to bring in a PE kit to change in to and on Thursdays, they will need to come in wearing their PE kit and bring a change of clothes to change in to afterwards.


During our PE lessons, we will be completing a Dance unit in Indoor PE, focusing on portraying emotion through body movement and facial expressions within the context of Guernica. In Outdoor PE, we will be continuing to build on our knowledge of the skills and tactics involved in Hockey. We will apply the skills and techniques that we learned last half-term, such as passing and shooting, when exploring effective tackling and defending as part of game situations. 


Homework will be set on a Friday afternoon in Year 6. Instructions will be posted on Google Classroom and tasks will often include a Maths and English task on SATs Companion as well as Spelling, Handwriting or Maths Fluency. In addition, we encourage children to be reading daily, sharing these experiences with those at home wherever possible.

Important Dates 

Monday 6th January – INSET Day 

Monday 20th January – Trip to Duxford Imperial War Museum (all day: packed lunch needed) 

Wednesday 22nd January – Young Voices Concert

Useful Links

Year 6 New to Year Group Presentation 24-25

Y6 Curriculum Descriptors Spring 2 24

Year 6 Maths – End of Year Expectations

Year 6 Writing – End of Year Expectations

Year 6 Reading – End of Year Expectations