Year 6

Summer 2 – What will the future hold?

And now… the end is near….. I turn and face…… the end of the academic year!!

We have an extremely busy seven weeks ahead of us. We will be exploring future responsibilities in maths through learning about mortgages, bills and income tax. We will also be finding out about what lies ahead for the coasts around the UK when learning about coastal erosion. Our main focus for our writing will be ‘The Unforgotten Coat’ as well as our play. In addition to this, we will be delivering the classes RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) for the year, putting on our end of year leavers performance, and of course, visiting our new secondary schools!

Important Dates

Monday 3rd June                                           Start of term

Wednesday 5th June                                     Departure for the Residential

Friday 7th June                                             Return from the Residential

Monday 10th June                                       Start of Healthy Eating Week

Wednesday 12th June                                 Mixed Cricket Competition

Thursday 13th June                                     School Photos

Monday 18th June                                       Girls Cricket Competition

Friday 21st June                                          INSET Day 

Thursday 27th June                                    Open Evening

Monday 1st July                                         Secondary School taster days

Wednesday 3rd July                                  KS2 Sports Day

 Friday 19th July                                        Last day of term