Turquoise class


Welcome to Turquoise Class, Year 3!


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Turquoise Class is a Year 3 class of 30 pupils taught by Ms Proctor Monday to Thursday and Mrs Bowler Thursday morning and Friday. We have a fantastic teaching assistant called Mrs Farboud who works every morning to support learning across Year 3.

Our topic during the second half of the Summer half-term is the Romans in Britain. Our key question is: Were the Romans cruel conquerors or brave builders?

In English we will be writing instruction texts about how to look after a creature from Roman mythology (look out for chimeras, hippocampi, Pegasus, gorgons, centaurs and Cerberus). We will learn about balanced arguments, focusing on our text: Was Boudica a great hero or a murderer? We will use our new skills to write a balanced argument to answer our topic question.

In History we will be learning about the Roman civilisation and the invasions of Britain. We will study the Roman army and Boudica’s rebellion. Finally we will think about life in Britain under Roman rule and try to answer our key question: Were the Romans cruel conquerors or brave builders?

In Science we will be learning all about light. We will think about why light is so important, and how to protect our eyes from the sun. We will investigate shadows and reflections.


Turquoise class have a wonderful newly refurbished classroom for us to learn in. We have a comfy class library, a large sink and art area, spacious desks and a carpet space with a new interactive white board.

We encourage children to drink throughout the day so please can your child bring in a named water bottle to keep by the sink.

Throughout the week we work independently, with a learning partner, with a reading buddy and in groups. These parings and groups change throughout the year so that everybody gets the opportunity to work with a variety of classmates.

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In Turquoise class we love reading and we try to read as much as possible. We encourage parents to read regularly with their children and to record this in their child’s reading record book. Children may also record their own independent reading in their record book.

Some children have colour banded books and others are free readers. A varied choice of home / class reading books are found in the class libraries and can be changed as often as necessary by children themselves during daily guided reading time. We expect children to keep their book safely in their book bag when it is not being read and bring their book bags to school every day please.

On Tuesdays, Turquoise class gets time to explore and enjoy the school library and its numerous books. In this session children can choose 1 book to borrow from the library and this book can be returned the following Tuesday or can be kept for a fortnight. Library books can be distinguished from other books as they have a small barcode on the inside of the front cover. Please can this book live in your child’s book bag when it is not being read to help prevent it being mislaid, thank you.

Now that children are part of KS2 they will be learning French. These lessons take part on a Thursday Morning.

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Our PE days are Monday (outdoor) and Wednesday (swimming); however it is often easier for PE kits to remain in school throughout the half term, preventing disappointment and inconvenience when forgetting kit on the day! We require children to wear shorts and a T-shirt and as the weather gets cooler jogging trousers / legging and a sweatshirt. Long hair needs to be tied back and it is worth discussing with children whether they would prefer not to wear earrings on PE days or have them taped at school. Trainers or plimsols are needed on outdoor PE days.


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In Turquoise class we try hard to be good friends and help each other learn. At the start of the year we agreed and displayed kind and sensible behaviors that will enable us to be happy, safe and learn in our classroom and around school.

We are really excited to be in Turquoise class and are determined to work hard, aim high and have fun while we are learning!


Useful Information:

New to Y3 Presentation

Science Assessment Statements

Maths Assessment Statements

Writing Assessment Statements

Reading & Speaking Assessment Statements

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